Humanity Forward Celebrates Passage of Inflation Reduction Act
Thanks to hard work learning the art of the possible, the US is tackling immediate energy needs and long term climate challenges simultaneously, while taking steps to reduce healthcare and drugs costs.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Humanity Forward is celebrating lawmakers for making unprecedented progress in the fight against climate change through the Senate’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
The bill, which passed the Senate today and will go next to the House, makes the largest investment in climate action in American history, supports U.S. energy production, makes prescription drugs more affordable for American families, expands affordable healthcare, and significantly reduces the federal deficit to slash inflation.
“Humanity Forward celebrates this major step forward for American families,” said Paolo Mastrangelo, Head of Policy and Government Affairs for Humanity Forward. “The Inflation Reduction Act is the product of hard work to understand the art of the possible and to tackle immediate energy needs and long-term climate challenges simultaneously.”
“Our team worked diligently to help policymakers and advocates to maintain a road to passage, including targeted campaign efforts across the country to mobilize key voices and to educate families on the benefits of several provisions in the final bill,” said Greg Nasif, Humanity Forward’s Director of Public Affairs.“ In particular, HF made the case that an all-of-the-above energy policy could motivate reluctant parties among both progressive environmental circles and conservative energy producing stakeholders and get to a deal.”
“Our laser focus will continue to be on how we can best help policymakers to achieve durable policy wins,” said Mastrangelo. “Meeting legislators where they are, proactively helping them to create compromise, and then making sure American families understand these wins is essential for progress in these polarized environments. There’s still more work to do. For starters, we now have an opportunity to move bipartisan permitting reform that will help America build its way out of an energy crisis and climate catastrophe, while further easing the daily financial pains too many households feel.”
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